"None of us, acting alone, can achieve the success."
Nelson Mandela

We develop people and put important things together correctly


an investment in people that pays off!

MVR stands for management, sales and our rational-emotional training method (RET).

Very good managers / leaders or salespeople are personalities who are adequate partners for employees and customers. This is why MVR-training, contrary to the usual training concepts, is focused on the general personal development of the training participant without neglecting the main topics (e.g. leadership, sales). This also means that the structure and organisation of the training encourages self-reflection. Strength in performance or in price dialogue does not come from wanting to, it must be actively worked on.

As important as each individual employee or customer should be for the manager or salesperson, each individual participant is just as important for the trainer. This is why MVR-training supports and values the personal development of each participant. MVR-training is designed for sustainable learning success. To achieve this, various mechanisms interlock like the cogs of a clock.

MVR-training is different from other training programmes. It ensures learning success and gives new impulses even to employees who are “tired of training”.

This highly successful, multi-stage approach has been developed over more than 40 years to ensure that the learning content is firmly anchored and that learning success is sustainable. Interval training (usually six training days over a period of six months) makes it possible to discuss practical implementation on the next training day. That is why MVR-training is more than just training, it is coaching.

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